Old Books and Apps

I love old books; physical or digital, so for me two of the greatest things on the internet, are Project Gutenberg and the Read Era App on my phone.

With Read Era I can download books not only from Project Gutenberg but other sources as well.

I have used the app and Gutenberg for so many old classics for my grandchildren to read as part of their home-school assignments and for books of my own as well.

I recently got into reading an Agatha Christie novel that I happened to have on my Kindle so my first thought was to check Kindle for more of her novels. I quickly saw that most were not free. However on Gutenberg, they are ALL free. Same titles.

If you are not much of a reader, but still want to experience old classics, another great App is Librivox. With Librivox you can find a large assortment of old titles as audio books that you can download and listen to.

I have to say, I don’t know if either of these apps are on Apple phones but I do know they are on Android. I think if you like old classics, you will enjoy these apps.

For the Birds

I would describe myself as a sometimes bird watcher and an always bird enthusiast. I don’t get out and go on bird walks much anymore like in my Master Naturalist days, but I watch them whenever and wherever I can.

We live on heavily wooded property which means of course, we have birds. We have most recently noticed that a couple of Pileated Woodpeckers have taken up residency in a dead tree and so plans to cut the tree down have been stalled for the time being as we have really enjoyed watching the woodpeckers.

We also have doves, dark eyed juncos, red winged blackbirds, and robins. We even for a time had a solid white dove living on the edge of our “forest”.

In the general area where we live, it is common to see Canadian Geese, Seagulls and the occasional Pelican. And I can never take a road trip without seeing various hawks perched in trees on the sides of the roadway. I have even seen a Blue Heron which excited me to no end.

When my husband and I were Master Naturalists in Texas, we participated in the state dove banding program. We caught, banded and set free over 500 doves in one summer. When you are involved in a project like this you get to see some of the personalities of different birds. We mostly caught doves but occasionally would find a grackle, blue bird, cardinal or blue jay in the traps we set up. It seemed to me that grackles are very high strung and nervous and the cardinals and blue jays are about as mean as they can be. Their bite hurt even through my gloves! The Doves, well there is a reason for the term “harmless as doves”. I came to love them very much and personally think its sad that there is even a hunting season for them.

I have kept birds as well. We owned a Severe Macaw for many years until he passed away, and currently I have a parakeet named Kiwi, whose cage is near my living room chair and he is a constant joy.

The Eclipse Today

So today is the big day for the eclipse. I am fortunate to live in an area that the view should be pretty good. For some reason though, I am not as fired up about it as I was when I first heard of the event a year ago. I think its because of the crazy, hype and all the doom and gloomers.

I remember being at work during the eclipse in 2017 and being fascinated with the shadows it caused one of the trees to cast onto the sidewalk. Hurricane Harvey hit Texas right after that. Was it a coincidence? Probably but it seemed strange all the same.

It will at any rate be an interesting phenomenon today and interesting to take note of other events to come.